(oct 9, 2018)

song of the shoebuilder                                

shoebuilder sits on the cement block between

the two year old banana peel 

and the fig tree always mistaken for a giant

the banana peel is beginning to carve itself into the sidewalk

it only took it two years

it was waiting for shoebuilder

shoebuilder asked banana peel this morning

can we drink the concrete together?

banana peel began carving

two years ago

fig tree was shoebuilder’s same height

then fig tree began growing

shoebuilder asked fig tree

will you come back down to me?

fig tree kept growing

the cement block shoebuilder sits on 

carries one square hole for their shoe

another for their footprint

the first is called doorman

the second   stranger

shoebuilder always tells me

nothing has ever fit me this nicely

when I go I would like to be buried beneath concrete 

have them shape it like a bed

have the children jump on it

as they pretend they’re not fearful